About Me
Hey, Y’all!
I'm Spring Esteppe.
Pronounced “Spring-y Step”
Spring ... Esteppe?
Yes. That’s my real name!
My mom gave me the hippie name and my hubby gave me the action.
It’s only fitting that my personal mission is to see people thriving, healthy and happy — with a spring in their step!
Here’s my question: What does crunchy mean to you?
A mom wearing a baby and Birkenstocks?
Someone who grows their own sprouts?
Maybe it requires that you are always drinking something from a Mason jar - and your drink may or may not have a few...”floaties.”
Guess what? I’ve been known to do all of the above — but I still don’t really look the part! I like makeup, smelling good, and sparkly things. On top of that, I’m a nurse by profession, and I LOVE my medical training.
It’s just that in my field I saw a lot of “bandaids” instead of solutions to root problems. I was introduced to essential oils and realized there were options that weren’t so harmful. That set me on a path of realizing even my “clean” stuff wasn’t so clean, and was overloading my system with toxins. We have made huge changes in our lives, but we’re still pretty...normal.

I’m passionate about natural wellness + clean couches.
Without all the granola.
If you’re like me, you don’t really want to wear tie-dyed skirts to be healthy.
You want your eco-friendly cleaning products to WORK.
You want someone with knowledge to point you in the right direction of where to start with essential oils and supplements.
You know in your gut that healthier means happier.
Are you looking for simple, healthy, and normal?
Then have a seat! We have lots to chat about. I’ve been redefining crunchy for six years.
And I may grow my own sprouts but I will always shave my pits.
What I Believe
I believe healthy is the new gorgeous.
So is microblading.
We need our kids as much as they need us.
And we need them to pick.up.their.stuff.
What my momma taught me is true: vegetables make your body rejoice.
Spring is the best season.
Travel is the best investment.
And it's time to redefine crunchy.
I believe the new crunchy is for everyone.
I am committed to helping you create a practical oil journey that works for your lifestyle. Take what works and leave the rest!
I will meet you where you’re at, give you the tools you need to transform your life, and be your biggest cheerleader along the way.

My Story
“I knew early on that I was going to be a nurse to help people change their lives. After high school, I didn’t feel the tug to go away to college right away, so I moved to an orphanage in Mexico and quickly learned Spanish so I could care for the 9 kids in my room.”
“After spending four months in Mexico, I came home to jump into nursing school. It was then that I met Keith (1997), my hubby, while I was in my “wild stage”. I was dancing on a speaker in a night club and he took one look at me and said:”
““I’m putting a ring on that.”
Well, he didn’t say that EXACTLY, but we did fall in love and were married.”
“After being married a couple of years, Keith was diagnosed with pre-cancerous tongue lesions and had a 50 cent size piece of his tongue removed. We had lived really healthy lives up until that point, so this was a big scare for us. A friend introduced us to dōTERRA because we needed options to help with Keith’s lesions in his mouth.”
“I rolled my eyes at the thought of an essential oil helping because, after all, I was a nurse and I knew that crap didn’t work. Well, it did and 6 months later, I bought my first kit and jumped both feet into the “Oil World.” I dug into the research, became obsessed with Dr. Hill and all the science behind this company that was offering natural solutions to the world and I never looked back. Keith thought I had lost my mind, but I knew that I had found something that would change the lives of millions of people.”
“I was full steam ahead into growing a business and we hit the rank of “Silver” four months into our journey. By Feb. of 2013, I retired from my 13 year nursing career and was 100% on board with growing a business and creating a movement for people who wanted more for their health.”
“We bought our first motorhome, prepped it for moving into, and waited for Keith to retire from his 14 year sales career. One month later, Keith retired and we hit the road with our kids and Prius in tow, to explore the US and love on our growing team. After spending almost two years on the road, we knew it was time to “settle down” somewhere. The desire to have connection and community with people was tugging hard on our hearts.”
“We searched high and low for our “home” and when we closed on the TN house, my heart was overwhelmed with joy … our home represents so much more than a place to live. It’s the fulfillment of a big unspeakable dream to have a place for EVERYONE to gather and to feel welcomed. This home, our life, our team, the people, the lives changed … it all is just a reflection of the incredible opportunity found in dōTERRA - something I want for EVERYONE.”
“Our Home is a TRUE HOME: a gathering spot where I can welcome everyone I love and those I am just beginning to love. We’ve completed our outdoor space — with a beautiful pool and patio — where we can welcome even more to our ever-growing table.”
“We’re now the proud parents of not one, BUT TWO, teenagers (one of them is a legal driver)! I can’t believe how the years have flown, but — now more than ever — I am hopeful for the future while being deeply connected to my roots.”
My Gift To You
How ya' feeling these days? If you're experiencing brain fog, low energy, weight gain, headaches, tension ... (you know the list goes on and on!), check out my FREE Health Inventory Checklist. It contains 10 easy steps you can take to start feeling better and improving your health over time and THIS VERY WEEK. Find out how baby steps can lead to big changes.
Free Ebook
I am the entertaining-unexpected-houseguests expert! There are people in my home all.the.time. Sometimes they are invited and expected ... and other times they just swing by! And I wouldn't have it any other way. I created this gorgeous (and FREE) ebook to share all my tips, tricks, and recipes to having a home that's always ready for whoever shows up.
Get In Touch
I am all about community and connection! I created this online space because I needed a bigger virtual home to welcome new guests (though if you are ever in Tennessee, be sure to hit me up and stop in!) and enlarge my family circle. Want to chat about oils, being glam crunchy, or just about the weather? I respond to every email personally (and promptly) ... unless I'm in the pool.